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Navigating the Sales Hiring Storm: How to Anchor Your Team with Superstars

By Cheryl Powers

Imagine for a moment the enterprise value your company could reach if every sales hire turned out to be a veritable superstar, a perfect fit for the demanding rhythm of your business. Now imagine what that would mean to you personally.

What would it add to your customer happiness?

What would it do for your employee satisfaction?

How would it impact your standing against the competition?

And what would it do for your personal wealth?

Yet, here's the sobering reality: nearly...

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The Algorithm's Gonna Get You: Stop Letting Google Dictate Your Lead Flow and Get an Outbound Strategy that Delivers

by Cheryl Powers

Ever found yourself obsessing over Google Analytics, fretting every time there's a minor dip in your website traffic? You're not alone. We're living in an era where many businesses have become heavily reliant on Google for their lead flow. Here's why this is problematic:

Sole Reliance: Relying on a single lead source is risky. If there's an algorithm change or if your SEO falters, it could cripple your business.

Unpredictability: Algorithms are constantly changing. What works...

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Unlock the Secret: Ethically Clone Your Best Employees Fast!

By Cheryl Powers

Ever found yourself wishing, “If only I had a team full of [Best Employee's Name]s?” 

I’ve been there, and I totally get you.

Imagine this: A company where everyone is as knowledgeable, skilled, and efficient as your star employee. 

Sounds like a dream?

But what if I told you it's achievable? Even kind of simple?

I'm thrilled to invite you to a masterclass that I believe could revolutionize the way you look at building and managing teams: "How to...

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The Beautiful Dance Between Enterprise Value and Owner Wealth

 By Cheryl Powers

There's an untold story in the bustling alleys of entrepreneurship, a tale of owner wealth. Often overshadowed by giant corporations and tech unicorns, these owners occupy a golden space. 

They're neither too small to be overwhelmed nor too big to be impersonal. And if you ever want to witness the art of growth and personal wealth generation, this is where the magic happens.

When I work with entrepreneurs and business owners, there's a notion I have always...

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Navigating Through Economic Volatility: A Blueprint for Successful Business Owners Who Want to Grow Significant Companies and Maximize their Personal Wealth

By Cheryl Powers

In a constantly evolving global economy, business owners often find themselves on a rollercoaster of highs and lows.

And let's be real: riding that coaster isn't always fun, is it?

Just as sailors must skillfully navigate stormy seas, business owners need to cross the unpredictable waves of economic turbulence.

But here's the silver lining: economic volatility isn't simply a challenge—it's an opportunity.

I often find myself remembering, the most breathtaking views...

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Closing the Owner Wealth Gap: 5 Strategies to Maximize Your Company Value


 By Cheryl Powers

If you’re like many of our business owner clients, your company is not just a source of income; it's your largest and most significant asset. Often, the value of your business comprises the lion's share of your personal net worth. 

Personal net worth represents the difference between an individual's assets and liabilities. For business owners, the equity value of their business often makes up a significant portion of these assets. However, it's not uncommon...

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10 Reasons You Have No Idea Who on Your Team Is Following Your Processes (Why It's a Problem and How to Fix It Fast)

 Cheryl Powers

Effective process management is crucial for the smooth functioning of any team or organization. Even so, many business owners and their leaders and managers find themselves facing the daunting problem of not knowing who on their team is following the established processes. 

This lack of visibility can lead to inefficiencies, delays, and, in some cases, compliance issues. Issues like increased risk of accidents and injuries, quality control and product defects,...

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The Hidden Value of a First Impression: 10 Reasons Why Perception Matters in Business

By Cheryl Powers

As a business owner, you already know that the way customers perceive your business can greatly influence their spending decisions. But have you ever considered how a potential investor's or acquirer's first impressions impact their perceived value of your company? This is a critical factor when it comes to raising capital or selling your company, as initial perceptions can affect the equity you'll need to give up for growth and the company's value when selling.


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Preserving Equity in Cash-Strained Businesses: Expert Tips to Protect Your Investment

by Cheryl Powers

Is your business in need of a financial lifeline? When your company is faced with a cash crunch, it's crucial to safeguard your equity and ensure your hard-earned ownership stake remains secure. In this article, we will explore effective strategies that can help you navigate the challenging waters of a cash-strapped business while protecting your equity from potential risks and pitfalls.

In a nutshell, the key to protecting your equity when your business is in dire need of...

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2023 Business Economic Outlook: Survive and Thrive

by Cheryl Powers

As a business owner, it can be difficult to know how to prepare in the face of the looming economic downturn of 2023. But with the right focus and strategies and network, you can not only survive but you can thrive in the challenging environment ahead. 

Here are some key areas that will help you find success in 2023:

  • Identifying your company’s unique strengths and differentiators and leveraging them to create an edge over your competitors.
  • Developing a clear...
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