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2023 Business Economic Outlook: Survive and Thrive

by Cheryl Powers

As a business owner, it can be difficult to know how to prepare in the face of the looming economic downturn of 2023. But with the right focus and strategies and network, you can not only survive but you can thrive in the challenging environment ahead. 

Here are some key areas that will help you find success in 2023:

  • Identifying your company’s unique strengths and differentiators and leveraging them to create an edge over your competitors.
  • Developing a clear...
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How Your Sales Managers Are Keeping You From Having the Business You Deserve - Part 1

By Cheryl Powers

Your Sales Leaders play a pivotal role in a company’s ability to reach targets and satisfy the needs of their customers and their shareholders. 

That means their primary job is to put your products and services in the hands of more of the people who will use them to solve their biggest problems while creating profits for the people who own the company. 

That’s a problem when most sales managers haven't been trained for and don’t qualify for the...

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How Your Sales Leaders Are Keeping You From Having the Business You Deserve

by Cheryl Powers

Sales Leaders play a pivotal role in a company’s ability to reach targets and to satisfy the needs of their customers and their shareholders. That means their primary job is to put your products and services in the hands of more of the people who will use them to solve their biggest problems, while creating profits for the people who own the company. That’s a problem when most sales managers don’t qualify for the job.

Here are the statistics:
1 out of 5...
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Are Girl Scouts Outselling Your Sales Force?

Are Girl Scouts Outselling Your Sales Force?

by Cheryl Powers

Earlier this month my daughter and her Girl Scout friends received their awards for cookie sales. These girls were on fire this year and as I look at the reasons why they did so well, individually and as a team, I couldn’t help but notice that the factors contributing to their success are the very same factors that will make or break your sales force.

They were motivated and goal driven. Beyond the satisfaction of knowing...

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