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Unlock the Secret: Ethically Clone Your Best Employees Fast!

By Cheryl Powers

Ever found yourself wishing, “If only I had a team full of [Best Employee's Name]s?” 

I’ve been there, and I totally get you.

Imagine this: A company where everyone is as knowledgeable, skilled, and efficient as your star employee. 

Sounds like a dream?

But what if I told you it's achievable? Even kind of simple?

I'm thrilled to invite you to a masterclass that I believe could revolutionize the way you look at building and managing teams: "How to...

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The Game Is On: Maximizing Business Value - Strategic Insights for Visionary Leaders

By Cheryl Powers

I have never met a CEO or business owner who didn't want to know the fastest and most effective way to grow profits, free up cash flow, and create a winning culture. The best owners know that culture eats strategy for breakfast and without the right strategy, people and processes, the culture will deteriorate and profits will plummet.

Over the years, the owners who were having the most fun while they grew their companies were the ones who were able to view their business...

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10 Costly Mistakes CEOs Must Fix To Consistently Hire Top Performing Sales Teams

by Cheryl Powers 

Most owners and CEOs want to know how to hire top-performing salespeople for their companies. What they often fail to realize is that what's getting in their way is their process and their beliefs about what top performance means to their specific sales roles. 

A poorly designed, one-size-fits-all process is responsible for sales hiring mistakes that are costing you to forfeit the very best sales talent available to you for each role. And it is...

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4 Places to Start When Your Growth Stops

by Cheryl Powers 

Why would two companies in the same industry, with the same financial performance, command vastly different valuations?

The answer can be found in one thing: predictable future business. In other words, how much each business is likely to grow in the future. We call this, growth potential.

Whether you're negotiating with a lender for working capital, considering a merger or acquisition, funding your buy/sell agreement, or determining the per-share value...

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Re-Building A More Valuable Business

by Cheryl Powers

In the Beginning

 I remember how I felt in my first business.

I was:

  • Excited about growing my company
  • Determined to positively impact employees and customers
  • Certain I’d run it for the rest of my life

I thought it was the best job in the world, despite the fact that I was working 70-80 hour weeks. I was young, energetic, and ready to take on the world.

It Took Its Toll

A few years of six days a week travel put that in perspective. Soon I was tired and seemingly...

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There Is Nothing More Deceptive Than An Obvious Fact

by Cheryl Powers

The Game is On

Facts, while indisputable, merely describe the state of something. They point to things which are real, which exist but which don't necessarily explain why or how they got that way. And which, if viewed from another vantage point, may even seem to prove something else entirely.

Sherlock Holmes knows this well. Holmes out-sleuthed the police detectives time after time. He was especially fond of showing Detective Lestrade, who always seemed confused by...

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There Is Nothing More Deceptive Than An Obvious Fact

Facts, while indisputable, merely describe the state of something. They point to things which are real, which exist but which don't necessarily explain why or how they got that way. And which, if viewed from another vantage point, may even seem to prove something else entirely.

Sherlock Holmes knows this well. Holmes out-sleuthed the police detectives time after time. He was especially fond of showing Detective Lestrade, who always seemed confused by the facts of a case, the errors...

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